Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Finding my Voice

   I have always had a really hard time asserting myself. My husband might disagree with this statement because I am very honest with him, but with other people the struggle is real. You can ask any of my friends that have known me since childhood. I used to say "sorry" for the most random things. Part of this was my OCD but the other part was that I was TERRIFIED to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. And although it is good to be aware of how you are making others feel, I have never been great about balancing that. I would rather sit quiet and not say ANYTHING then possibly offend anyone. I become really self conscious when someone disapproves of something I am doing and it has always has made me doubt how I really feel. When it comes down to it, I have given other people way too much say in my life.
   A few months ago I decided to try something new. I started using Young Living Essential oils and I had no intention of doing anything business related until God gently nudged me about this opportunity. I, in the past have never been one to do this kind of thing. And really, the way this company and my group of people does things is so incredibly different than anything I have ever done before. I am for the first time, through this opportunity finding MY VOICE. Yes in a way I am selling oils but really all I am doing is sharing why I love them. In that, I have to really force myself to step out of my comfort zone and learn to not let what others think dictate how I want to live my life. I am learning that it is OK to have people that will disagree with me, that it is OK if someone gets offended by what I am doing and it is OK for me to be strong and successful. I DO NOT have to apologize about any of that.
  I am driven by this deep desire for my dreams. Dreams that I didn't even really think were dreams a few months ago. Probably because without this opportunity they were such distant dreams. I didn't put much thought into them. I am so excited to be apart of this and watching my goals (although they are small right now) being blown out of the water is such a huge encouragement. My team in lifting each other up, encouraging, supporting and loving on me through this process.. and you know the funny part? I don't even know half of them! How awesome is that!??
   I wear this necklace I made as a reminder that it is good for me to have a voice. The canary represents the power of voice and the two pearls represent my two kids. The reason I am doing this! To all of you who have encouraged me, supported me, loved on me and started this journey with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I appreciate you so much!
If you want to know more about Essential Oils comment here, contact me on my FB or Instagram link.
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  1. Good for you Emily!! go get'em!! God will direct your direction!!! Blessings....

  2. I can so relate...your first paragraph describes how I used to be also. It's taken a lot of years, and I am finally finding my voice. I love your post, and applaud you for taking this big step!
