Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Down with the sickness

     There is this band called "Disturbed", it was one of my favorites in high school. Its a heavy metal band and I was going through an alternative rock stage. I remember very clearly my dad coming into my room asking me if I was listening to devils worship. You might get the jest of the music from the band title. It wasn't pretty. Lol. This song that they did called "Down with the sickness" seems to be one that keeps resurfacing in my life. And usually in the form that has nothing to do with being sick. And honestly I can't remember any of the words except "get down with the sickness" OK so bear with me a second as I might be hard to follow. :)
    When I get involved in something in my life, it is kind of all consuming. You could say that I am "down with the sickness" whatever it is. My coffee obsession, doing my own shellac and now it is my oils. My husband constantly makes fun of my "processes". Anyone who knows me knows that with anything, I do tons of research. I want to know the best deal, I want to know all the background information. I want to know as much as I can about something before I start it. In my mind, this reduces my chance of failure. I am a perfectionist at heart. You could say that I am a chronic planner, it would give me great peace to have my whole entire year completely planned out. I drive my friends and family crazy :) If any of you are following me on Face Book you know that I post a lot about oils! I do, because I LOVE THEM and I want you to LOVE THEM TOO. It kind of upsets me when I find a good deal on something or found something that really works and other people don't want it too. I want to SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOP. TRY THIS! Seriously.
    I have always been a hippy or whatever you want to call it a heart, I have often said I wish I was a teenager in the 70's. It seems I would fit right in there. In the past and still, I struggle with the stigma of the "crunchy" label. I don't want to be shoved into a category because I really enjoy something natural. But I do, I enjoy these oils. They are changing the way that my family and I do life. I am incredibly happy that I can put something in my body and on my body daily and I do not have to worry one bit about harmful side affects, or adverse reactions. Especially when we are sick. I DID NOT, I repeat DID NOT think that they would work as well as they do. I was very skeptical and sometimes when I try new things with the oils I still wonder " is this going to work?" and it does. Not always but with so many things it helps. Sleeping, relaxation.. pain... can we talk about the pain a little bit? I was taking Ibuprofen every single day for shoulder and back pain from work, I maybe take it a couple times a month when it is really bad but my go-to now is Valor and Panaway. I use this stuff daily.
   So when you see me posting about my oils, or offering up suggestions on using them, it isn't because I want you to "buy from me!" it is because I want you to experience the benefits of these awesome products the way that I am.

1 comment:

    Do I "sell" oils? Well, kind of, but not really..... Mostly I just LOVE oils! I want those I love (like you, my skeptical friend!😉) to benefit the same way I have from using oils. I can't put in to words what a happy thrill I get knowing that they're working for you guys and getting your sweet family healthier and off the "hard stuff!" Lol.
    Thanks for your openness and honesty about all aspects of your life and thank you for continuing to share and be vulnerable despite some of the negativity you've been hit with. I love the way you speak YOUR truth! 💜
