Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

All kinds of wonderful

I kind of, and by kind of I mean like A LOT, set up pretty big expectations for myself. Perfectionist at heart, and this can be a very good thing because I can be quite productive but it also means I end up adding a lot of unnecessary stress to my life. Since I am having a hard time in general with just functioning in every day activities I have been really working on toning my life down and cutting back which has been hard for me because I love to say YES and like to be busy.To give you an idea, we are taking a kid free vacation in October at an all inclusive adults only resort and I am worrying about being bored and having too much time on my hands. Who does this?
    Yesterday was an awesome day at home. There was literally NO screaming, fighting, epic meltdown etc. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what was different.... you know what was different? You know what I am going to say, don't you? ME! I was the only thing, that I could think of anyway that was different. I was calm, I wasn't stressed, I was interacting with the kids and paying more attention and it was wonderful! 
    I had come to the decision/realization yesterday about an expectation on something in my life that I had. I was holding myself to an impossible standard that was causing quite a bit of underlying stress that I didn't even realize. Yesterday, I decided to drop it. I decided that I can only do what I can do, and although the change and growth may be way slower than I want I can't do anything about that, and that is OK! I might have to repeat this to myself every day for a while until I get it ingrained into my brain, because my tendency is to try to grab the reigns back and control it again to get better results, but that usually (mostly always) gets me NO-WHERE!Through my devotion and other little things that are happening in my life, I keep getting little reminders to step back and let God carry me through this part. That he has my best interest in mind and even though things are not where I want them to be, which is totally OK. It really is, that I will get there!

1 comment:

  1. I think God gave you the gift of a no stress, no meltdowns, no screaming or fighting morning to confirm to you that you're on the right track. Bless you on your journey.
