Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Its a five letter word. Pretty small, and everyone knows what it means but boy does it pack a punch. Wait... what? You want me to let go of my control and give it up to you??? Trust is always something I have a hard time with. I like control. I like to plan and I always love to know what is going on. My mom said that I drove them nuts as a kid, especially on vacation because of the change in structure, I struggled so hard with having control. I feel best when I know what is happening. This is a major point of self work I have had to do as I have gotten older and relying on him and leaning into God for him to lead me.
As I sit here in the midst of the dance of buying and selling a home. Feeling like the fact that I think we just found our dream house is going to be impossible. That we don't "deserve" to be this lucky. That still, small voice is reminding me that he works outside perimeters of time and space and that nothing is too big for him to handle. That if this is where we are supposed to be, then it will all work out.
Breath in, breath out. He's got this! I might, just might have to remind myself of this about every 5 seconds lol, but it is a work in progress.

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