Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Monday, July 13, 2015


I have been seeing my naturopath again to figure out what is going wrong with my thyroid. Well after some lab work, we know that it isn't working very well and my adrenals are WAY OUT OF WHACK! So 10+ supplements later here we are. Step on the road to better health. My main goal with this is to feel better and get healthy. I am at an all time high with my weight and to be honest, or if you have been reading my blog you already know I have been pretty depressed. I need to do something different. After a good talk with a very close friend who knows how to give it to me straight I decided to join a gym and get my eating in order, which my naturopath suggested, but hearing it from a friend too was what I needed.
My first thought was that wasn't going to tell anyone about this until I was successful. Wait... why? What was my intention behind this? I know one was that I don't want to have to explain YET AGAIN that I have failed at an eating plan or workout plan for the billionth time. That I am ashamed that I am starting over AGAIN. But the more I thought about keeping my little plan a secret, the more it made me realize that I am setting myself up for failure. Putting myself in a place where  I don't have to be held accountable has a lot of freedom. I don't have to answer to anyone which is awesome!!! Well not really because where has that gotten me in the past? ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE, sitting in front of a bag of chips. I need my friends and family to know, and yeah it is embarrassing  but I can't hide from this. I need to do something for my physical health, emotional health and lets me honest some much needed down time, even if that means I need to spend it working out.
 I know that I am not going to be perfect and there will be days where I don't do so hot but I need to focus on movement in the right direction not perfection. So, here is to a new start, a new chapter that is going to be HARD and PAINFUL! I'm doing it!


  1. Oh Emily.... I so can relate..I hate to say for some of us it's a lifelong struggle...why is???? I still fight with it, o cook good healthyeals, don't eat pre packaged junk.... It's the exercise part that's hard. Keep up the hard work... You're inspiring me..
