Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 I was probably known most, as a kid, by my whining... only 1st to my picky eating habits. I remember vividly often saying " I can't do it" and "it's too hard". I was not a stranger to letting my feeling be known. My mom always said that she never had to guess what I was thinking. I am sure that although, as I grew this was really helpful, it was also really annoying. There are times in my adult life when I just want to say those same things. Where I kind of feel like a whiner. Lately I have been praying A LOT for God to change my heart. I have really been struggling focusing on all the incredibly blessings in my life and instead find myself feeling sorry for myself. There is a certain amount of shame that comes from feeling pity for oneself, especially as an adult. With that said, I have had a "woe is me" attitude lately and I hate it. I need to get out of this funk but I am not really sure how. 
Anyone who knows me knows that I live a very structured, scheduled life and I love to know what is happening ALL-THE-TIME. God is definitely teaching me right now about my lack of control. When my whole world is literally up in the air and no amount of planning will help.
I ran across this quote yesterday that really resonated with me.
              "Lord forgive me for picking
               things back up that I've already '
               laid down at your feet."
So, once again I will lay it back down knowing that I will be ok. My world isn't ending. We will get out of this mess and I will not have control and it will be ok.

1 comment:

  1. You are blessed beyond measure to be learning these things when you're young enough to reap the rewards of growth. I wish I'd had your insight at your age.
