Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Do as I do, not as I say :)

 So I have a tendency to run my mouth about a lot of things before I become educated on them.I am getting better about this as I get older. I used to say things about people who did stuff naturally. That they were ridiculous, that is was all this weird community of people that wanted to be different. Well, this was all before I started using essential oils. Its not that I had anything against "crunchy"" people per say, but it just annoyed me. Lame, I know.
  After both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer both my sister and I started looking into doing things naturally. I started using natural deodorant and toothpaste. This was about the extent of my "au natural" lifestyle, until I got into oils. I can't afford to be putting that crap on my body with the medical history my family has. And honestly, I love the Toms brand but as I am getting older and the more my hormones fluctuate it just isn't doing the trick... sooo I will be making my deodorant GASP! I am actually really excited about it, the more I do this stuff the more I really enjoy making my own products. Laundry detergent, hand soap, body wash and NOW deodorant. I have come a long way friends Cheers! I think starting with oils has really urged me to dig into how we can help heal our bodies naturally.
  God gave us amazing bodies, and we live in a society that pushes bandaging up our wounds with medicine... all the time. Instead of letting our bodies do what they were meant to, fighting fevers etc... we medicate.  I will be honest, I still struggle with letting my body do the work. Kaleb had a fever a couple weeks ago and I keep wanting to give him tylonal and call the dr. about a potential ear infection... but hey! His body was created to fight this!Honestly, it is still scary for me trying something new and natural because I am so programmed to think that medication is the answer. And don't get me wrong, the Dr. has its place and time and I still take Ibuprofen every once in a while and am not against all medication ( I am on two prescriptions as we speak) but I think we often underestimate the power of how well our bodies work to fight stuff on their own and I love being able to use my oils to help my combat sickness. As of yet, it is April and we (besides Kavin) have not been to the Dr. once this year. We had met our $750.00 deductible by march last year! I just saved $750 people!!!! Not to mention I know exactly what I am putting in my body, and get to smell good while doing it :)
Cheers to trying something new! If you are interested in learning more about oils I would love to talk to you because honestly they have changed our life sooo much!

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