Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Its ok for things to suck

I was talking to a wise friend/sister last night about how hard life is right now. So, so hard. I loved that she chose to lean into it with me. That instead of trying to fix it or telling me to think about the future, or that it won't always be this way, or to try to be positive she said this.... " Its OK for things to super suck" and man did I appreciate that. Seriously, when we negate how people are feeling and pretend that these really hard things in life aren't happening, it isolates us. I know there are many times I feel like "Am I the only one that is struggling right now?" in whatever.... weight loss, PARENTING, relationships,school, work, self worth. Why is it we choose not to talk about it? Is it pride? Shame? embarrassment? We want to make our life seem better than it really is? What makes it so that we feel like we can't share the really hard stuff in our life with the people we love. The communities we are apart of.
Especially as a mom, us moms need to stick together, support and love on each other because although our struggles might be different. Whether babies that won't stop crying, toddlers that push EVERY SINGLE BUTTON, or sleep issues. We are in it together and there is strength in numbers.
Can I urge you to be real? Even though it might make you uncomfortable? To be vulnerable and to feel comfortable to say that its not ok, and that its OK that its not ok. I think you might feel better if you do.

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