Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Self care

 A good friend of mine has been preaching self care to me for quite some time. Although in the past I have seen the importance of her point of view, there were always parts of me that brushed it off saying " I just don't have time, or money or whatever....", but it was more than that....what it really came down to is these intense feelings of guilt that I had for taking care of myself, which is just plain ridiculousness. It is the enemy trying to steal my joy. I have read three books this year so far; For the Love, The Fringe Hours and Carry On Warrior. The underlying theme in all of these books is self care. I didn't choose these books because of this it just kind of happened... OK, OK I get the point.
I feel like these three books kind of forced me to look at how I take care of myself... or don't and how that affects my life. I didn't really think that not doing things for myself made that much of a difference but boy was I wrong. 
This month I decided to schedule a date (we hadn't been on one since October), schedule a massage and then a pedicure with a friend. Yes they all cost money and take time away from my family but let me tell you I am a much better me when I am taking time for myself. I look at life differently, appreciate it more and it feels pretty good. 
Do it ladies, do something for yourself! Do anything, it doesn't have to cost money but making time for yourself... oxygen going to make it a whole lot easier on you in the long run <3

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