Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Judgement isn't a bad thing

       I was talking to a friend the other day about this. This is an area of my life that I am VERY hard on myself. See, I am an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). See that last word gets me all riled up a little bit, OK a lot. I don't like it. Does it make me feel better that my judging percentage is 87%?? Nope, not at all! This is where my analytical part and emotional part of my brain are at a constant battle. I often think in very black and white. I am also a very caring, considerate and can easily see the other side of things kind of person. Can you see the tension here? 
  I am quick to Judge. Quick to make a decision about something. This part of my brain is very black and white.
* Judgement: the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
This is something we all do. We do it daily. What to wear... what to eat... whether to say yes to something..what feels right to us. This is not wrong! In fact this is how God made us. Now, he might of made some of us with a stronger Judgement than others but we all do it.
Where is gets tricky is when Judgement turns to Judgemental
* Judgemental:having or displaying an excessively critical point of view. 
Being judgemental is making that quick judgement and instead of processing through it we stay there. We don't look at the other point of view. We don't look at possibilities that affect that outcome. Man when I am angry or heated about something how easy it is for me to get stuck in this place. I have had to, continue to train my brain to try to see the other perspective. I have had to train my mouth not to speak my initial thought because it usually takes me much processing to see something differently. I am thankful that my job has taught me A TON about this and putting it into practice <3  
Now, I am still a HUGE work in progress but my goal is to look at my high Judgement as an asset in my ability to make decisions and stand firm in what I believe instead of a negative aspect <3 <3  

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