Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I work for a wellness Company....

   I work for a health and wellness company... and I'm overweight. Yep I said it and I'm about to get real with you...ok lets be honest I am pretty real all of the time lol. 
   I do work for a health and wellness company, for two and a half years and it has completely flipped my world upside down. Young Living Essential oils have changed the way I look at life in every aspect. We have become a chemically free home to the best of our ability in these two years. We have changed the way we look at health and medicine and so much more. But yeah, I am still overweight. This post might be a little too real for some people but I really felt that I needed to write it.
   See I struggle with this black and white mentality in life that if I just ..... then ____. Ha! Not how it works. I struggle with an Autoimmune disorder that makes it really hard to loose weight BUT also I really struggle with food. It is my addiction of choice. Sometimes I think that people discount what I am saying because I don't "look the part" when in fact, for me my struggle in this area shows how human I am. That I don't need to be "perfect" (hardly) to run a successful business. That although my weight and physical health is a priority that I don't need to be "skinny" to run my own business.  This is a mentality that I struggle with daily.
  I know that God set this opportunity in front of me. That he called me to be here in all my glory. In my life that is messy and un-perfect and HUMAN. I will continue to fight that mentality and keep learning how to embrace the parts of my life that need work 

Psalms 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well. 

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