Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Carry on Mama's

     I started reading this book "Carry on Warrior" by Glennon Doyle Melton and I feel like she is writing what is in my head. I love her raw honestly and ability to lay it all out there. She makes me feel like I am not alone. Yesterday a specific page spoke to me:
     SO MANY times I have mentioned something to someone or posted something on FB about how overwhelming being a mom, a wife, a full time employee is and get the response to "just be positive" or "enjoy these moments, they pass so quickly". Although I know the intentions and meanings behind these phrases are pure and kind, and frankly I think they are just taught in our society, they make me feel guilty and mad. Like something is wrong with me because I don't enjoy every moment. I really don't. There are moments where I want to rip my hair out, run away and don't want to be around my kids, and I work full time, so I can imagine what this looks like to all you amazing mamas who work from home or stay home. Kudos, truly because that is HARD stuff and it is often not supported. IT IS HARD, and if we keep pretending that it isn't what are we creating? What are we really telling mamas in our society? Just because we are frustrated or overwhelmed it doesn't mean we aren't thankful. I am incredibly thankful for my family, but they infuriate me at times.
 If we can start living in a community where we speak how we feel instead of being afraid of being judged, because lets be honest here... people are going to judge you no matter what you say; we start to create an environment where we are lifting each other up and encouraging each other instead of isolating. As you have probably noticed from my FB posts I am pretty honest about how I feel and I and learning that there is nothing to be ashamed about there. I am thankful for my friends and family that let me be honest without judgment and meet me where I am. Won't you join me?

1 comment:

  1. One of the truly greatest gifts in my life is being part of a group of women where we tell the truth and still hang in there with each other. We have been doing this for fifteen years as we have gone through some of life's biggest challenges and we help each other stay sane. Saying the "nice" things because others are more comfortable with "niceness" will kill our spirits. Keep saying truth, Emily. It is a gift, even to those who don't know it yet.
    In my grief recovery group I have talked about this being shit to go through. One woman corrected me, saying she calls it brown stuff. Wasn't that helpful?
