Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Monday, December 29, 2014

I've got a dream....

      If any of you have ever watched the movie Tangled, you know this song well. " Ive, got a dream, Ive got a dream..." And I do. I don't think up until this last month or so that I really realized it was a dream as much as I thought it was. It was also something nagging in the back of my head as " someday, that would be nice" But I never thought that it would be possible, unless we won the lottery. My dream is this: To stay home part time or work from home. I have always been a hard worker, usually working two jobs. And although the last 7 years I was working" part time" at Red Robin, I was also working "part time" as a substitute teacher and my schedule was CRAZY! I love to work, it is just in my nature so staying at home full time is really difficult for me. I am not one of those people that can do it very easily, although I will say that was the hardest job I have ever had. I have, in the past wracked my brain to see if there was something creative I could do from home, but I am not a very creative person.
      Last December I starter working full time at a 8-5 job and although I love my job, I really do. I love the kind of work I do and how I am making a difference in peoples lives. I do, however miss out on taking my son to preschool and being more involved in his school activities. And just recently my 22 month old daughter keeps looking at me saying " momma home" and smiles. It really tugs at my heart strings  A LOT. About a month ago an opportunity was dropped on my lap and in a very unconventional way. My friend told me about these essential oils that could help with our health and honestly I thought she was a little crazy. What can oils do for me? but since we had a VERY rough year illness wise I thought I would give it a shot. I started trying it for this, and then for that and EVERY SINGLE time I used them I was amazed at how well they worked. I have since been researching and learning like crazy about essential oils and all the great things that you can do with them and I am So excited!!! When I first started using them, I knew nothing and I wanted ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the business side of things. To be frank, selling stuff makes me want to throw up a little bit. I think it is invasive and it makes me really, really uncomfortable. This is where this company is amazing and completely different. There is no selling, there is no requirement and no risk. So I share about how I am using my oils and if people are interested them the oils sell themselves. I prayed about this opportunity a lot and I felt like this really was a door being opened up for me. And ever since starting on this oily journey, especially when in doubt I have been blessed with encouragement from so many angles. I know there are a lot of people out there that think I am crazy, and well if I am then I am but I can tell you these Oils are doing some pretty awesome stuff for our family, and what can I say! I'm excited about it!
   So for now, I will keep doing what I'm doing and dreaming big dreams, because I know that either way God's got me.

Psalms 37:
Trust in the Lord and do good
then you will live safely in the land and prosper
Take delight in the lord
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

And he shall...

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