Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Friday, August 30, 2013

In the Trenches

   I am going to be honest here, I kind of forgot what sleep deprivation felt like. I now see why they use this as torture tactic because in all reality when you are sleep deprived everything goes to the crapper. My Ruby has been an excellent sleeper since the beginning, which I am so thankful for, since Kaleb was not. This last week though has probably been the hardest so far. I had a cold, Kaleb did and then Ruby got one. With a temperature, refusal of eating and waking up every 1 1/2 -2 hours I was on EMPTY! You know that feeling when you are so over your limit that everything makes you want to cry? And I mean everything! Yes, that has been me all week! With that said. and this is the more beautiful thing about parenting, in the midst of it all, when you are so exhausted you cant even see straight beauty presents itself. In a snuggle, a smile out of nowhere or a gesture from your kids that picks you up off the floor and sustains you for just a little bit longer. Parenting has a way of showing us Gods grace in every situation. Our kids are constantly giving us little tastes of Christs love for us by just being them. And quite possiblyy, that is how he intended it. :)

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