Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Monday, August 8, 2016

swallowed whole

    Sometimes I feel like I am being swallowed whole. That the heaviness that crowds my heart is crushing me, and my mantra in this is "this is just temporary". That although it feels this way, it in fact wont crush me. That I will be able to walk out of this fog at some point. 
   See, depression doesn't affect me like most people. For me I see everything through this lens of negativity. I am uber sensitive to my relationships and start second guessing everything. I am really critical of myself and others. Its ugly and I hate it. I almost wish I was sad but instead I get really angry.
    Depression and anxiety are so silent and isolating, yet I know so many people who struggle daily with this. Lets do each other a favor and #refusetobesilent