Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fear is....

Fear is easy. In fact fear, is something that comes quite naturally to me. I automatically go to the worst possible scenario in my head in whatever situation I am in. I spend a good amount of time playing out 'what ifs' and trying to figure out what I would do if.... its truly such a waste of time. If fear, weren't so easy then I don't think the bible would have mentioned it over and over again."do not be afraid". We are consistently reminded of that because fear is easy. Satan thrives on this. He loves it. He loves to see us afraid.
    Today was a scary day for us. We live in an increasingly scary world that is hard to ignore. I don't watch the news and try to steer clear from articles because, for me it ends up being all I think about. This whole FEAR thing is really hard to ignore when it comes knocking on your front door, and today it did. We found out that Kalebs school went into lock down today and there was an active shooter in the neighborhood. I have been in lock downs before in elementary schools and Kaleb in fact had one earlier this year, this one felt different. Don't get me wrong... I trust his school, he is very safe there but in my mind, my kids aren't SAFE unless they are with me. I instantly got really scared and all those "what if" thoughts started flooding my mind. It pissed me off that we have to live in a world where it is scary for our kids to go to school, play in the park, go outside. There is risk...more so every day. 
  I can choose to sit there and live in that fear... the kind that will paralyze you or I can choose to lift this up to our papa, knowing that he has this. That although my fear might not be unwarranted that I/we are protected by the father. That every time I give into it and let it take a hold of me, I am letting Satan delight in that. So here I am lifting it up over and over again because NOT being afraid is something that doesn't come very easily to me.