Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Progress in baby steps

   Its been about a month since I have done any blog posting, and to say that our life this last month has been crazy is an understatement. In a good way though! Vacation,business going crazy, getting ready for back to school, then starting school. I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. The last couple of weeks I have been frustrated by my inability to work out. With Kaleb starting school, our whole schedule has changed and then when we all get home the kids are exhausted. Ruby has been having a hard time with all the change and has been really attached to me... like attached where I can't even leave the house. It has been a little rough. I'm finding a hard time trying to balance it all. Working out in the morning would be an option but Kavin goes in earlier so that we can get the kids earlier at the end of the day, so that leaves later in the evening (right around the kids bedtime) as the option... gah! I feel disappointed in myself for not making it more of a priority and I feel myself starting to get into that negative mind space where that little word that makes a huge impact comes in. FAILURE.... and I have to talk myself out of it. To remind myself to give myself grace and that I don't need to be perfect. Daily struggle for sure. I'm still working on my eating. Not perfect and wheat has reintegrated itself back into my life a little but not a lot so that is good! I know for myself in order to be successful I need to do things in baby steps at least in this area of my life. If I bite off more than I can chew I end up throwing in the towel because I can't be Perfect (which I know is ridiculous). So, here's to working on it. To allowing myself to be in a healthy head space and make progress in little steps and small decisions.