Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Courage Rising

" Sometimes the Darkness seems Thickest in the unknown."

 * Note: A good portion of this is quotes from the actual word on Sunday. Especially the really intelligent sounding ones :)

     This was the topic on Sunday at church and man did it speak to my heart. Jenn Roth talked about the story of Esther and how she rose out of such an impossible situation to do great things. I think we often think of dark times in our lives as just part of the human existence, this is just stuff that we all have to deal with, being human. But what if the darkness was created for us, to give us the opportunity to shine brightly. We were born into a battle. We live in the time between perfection in the garden and the perfection of Eternity. This battle is the source of darkness and this darkness is an opportunity to shine. When Satan was cast down, he was cast down to EARTH. He was already here waiting.How often, after we encounter something dark that we thought was impossible, do we see growth? Do we see a stronger versions of ourselves that we didn't know existed? I know I have seen that in myself in different situations throughout my life. 
     There were four main parts to this word. 
Awareness: When we have awareness about what is happening and our role in it we are able to proceed into these often pitch black circumstances. 
Acceptance: Is God Calling me to action? What is my purpose in this darkness. How am I going to shine?
Ask for help: Seek God and ask for help. To rise with courage. Because when we encounter darkness in our lives, we shine brightly when we lean into him. God is present even when we can't see him or feel him. I have such a hard time with this. Always wanting to do it by myself. I think as a society we often think of needing help as a weakness, but what if you not letting someone help you with their role, prevents you from fulfilling your own roll. Let us support and help each other in these dark struggles in life.
Action: How am I being called to action. Often there is no guarantee of the outcome.Sometimes our roll is encourager, other times its blessing others with our time or resources, lending an ear to listen, praying from a distance. Even if we aren't directly in that darkness, we often play a roll in the darkness of the people that we love. I know I have a hard time stepping out in faith when I don't know the outcome. And its hard when you know that the outcome isn't always good.

 Our hope is not based on a happily ever after. Out hope is based in a King that redeems. The devil wins battles on earth, but not the final battle in death. GOD IS PRESENT!!!