Psalm 139:14

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Waaa waaaa Waaa

   I have a tendency to complain.. Actually it is kind of hard for me to think positive. I have to work really hard to not complain, not because I am unhappy but it is just what comes naturally to me. I really don't like this about myself. I wish I could be one of those half glass full kind of people that can always see the brighter side, but I worry about everything and tend to think the worst in a situation. I was thinking the other day when I was feeling pretty crappy, both kids and my husband were sick and I thought " look at all the crap that has happened this month". I could rattle off a list of all the things that have been inconvenient.i has to stop myself because I know once you get gong down that road and count the things that haven't " gone right" vs how god has provided for you, it's hard to look back. I actually keep a list on my phone of how God has provided as a daily reminder. I do not have one need that is unmet. Our bills our paid. I have good health.We have heat and water. Our bellies our full and my life is surrounded by so much love. What else could you ask for?  So many people don't even have one of these and here I am complaining that I have been sick for 3 weeks.. Boo hoo! Yes, I know it is all relative but negativity breeds negativity. Not only to yourself but those you are complaining to.
   Anyway I just kind of wanted to write this as a reminder to myself. That in it all I really have nothing to complain about!